Paint Therapy

Once a month, our TACE afterschool program holds a Family Paint Night.  Parents and kids come to the school in the evening and paint.  Our art teacher graciously provides templates and instructions as needed.  For most, this is a chance to spend quality time with their kids and walk away with a product.  For me, it's therapy.  There is something calming about meticulously drawing and painting.  It helps release tension and is a great respite from a busy day.  In fact, I am often so focused I forget that I'm surrounded by 40 plus parents and kids.  Just putting that brush to the canvas takes me into my own little world. The noise disappears as I relax and just paint.  I always leave feeling better than when I came in.  

 Below is a photo catalog of my progress on tonight's painting. I'd better warn you up front that the picture is designed for kids. Honestly, I think some of the kids do it better than I do.  But I wonder if they get better therapy.


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