CCM - Leading the way or bringing up the rear

Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) has me concerned.  I've listened to CCM for years and heard much of it in modern church worship services.  I hear a lot of worship songs, which is great, but I also hear a lot of songs that sound like every other song.  What I don't often hear are artists being real as they pour their hearts out to God.  I also don't see artists taking musical risks and trying something new. It almost appears that creativity and artistic expression have been sacrificed for the sake of production and sales.  This isn't to say that CCM is bad.  It is to say that much of the music coming from the world is, artistically speaking, better.  This is especially true of the independent artist movement, though not so much what is on the radio.  It is as though the CCM industry is focused on record sales and radio play more than artistic expression.  It has gotten to the point that, in my opinion, CCM has become formulaic and boring.

Of course, this isn't true for all CCM artists.  There are some that are pushing the bounds.  But, they are the exception not the rule.  So, my question is, what would God rather have?  Music that is poured from the heart and creative expression of the artist, much like the Psalms, or music that is geared toward selling records to the masses.

As Christians, we need to encourage and provide a platform for artists, CCM specific or just Christians who play music, to write what is on their hearts.  We need to allow them to be creative in their performance, to scale down the production, and to share what is on their hearts.  We need to support our brothers and sisters in Christ as they try new musical styles and write lyrics that may not tickle our ears, but instead cut us to the heart.  This may mean a move away from the big record companies to independent labels and artists.  It has already started happening in some circles and the result is music that is more creative, albeit not always radio ready.  As the church, let's keep this going so that we don't end up with bubble gum pop rather than real heartfelt music.  In fact, Christians should be leading the way in this arena, not bringing up the rear.

Below are a few of the artists who are moving outside the CCM circle and making an impact.  Please share others in the comments.


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