Am/Am not

Self-reflection is a necessary, but difficult, aspect of growth.  Looking within is much more challenging than looking outside.  That being said, I spent some time recently really looking inward and reflecting on some of the traits that define me (and some that don't).  The traits that I possess need to be cultivated and those that I don't need to be supplemented by others who possess them in abundance.  So, here is What I am (in my own eyes, anyway) and What I'm not.

What I Am:

* Restless/Never content:  There is always room to improve.  If I ever become content, I will know it is time to move on because either things have gotten too easy or I've gotten too lax.
* Driven:  In many ways, this relates to the first trait.  Improvement and a constant search for results is a part of my DNA.  At the same time, I tend to jump ahead too fast and need someone to help me finish what I'm doing right now before venturing out again.
* Vision/Mission Focused:  Where are we headed?  What is our purpose for going there?  Why do we do what we do?  I need to know these before I can move forward.  
* Collaborative:  I like to work with people and truly believe that the insight of others will improve my own work.  This doesn't mean that I try to please everybody by always using their input.  It just means that I seek to work with others and take their skills, abilities, and insights into account.  
* Okay with dissent:  I don't mind a good disagreement when it occurs with respect and is meant to improve.  In fact, if all I ever heard was that my ideas were good, I would know someone is lying to me.  
* Supportive:  Everybody needs support.  Everyone!!! One of the things I try to do is support people in their endeavors even when they seem a little crazy.  I also do everything in my power to stand by the people who are really trying even when they may be failing right now.  They will eventually be successful as long as they don't give up.
*Trusting:  Until you prove otherwise.
* Respectful:  To me, respect is paramount.  Some people say respect has to be earned, but I would disagree.  I believe that respect is not something you get, but something you give.  I can choose to treat people with respect, even when they do not return the gesture.  If I treat others with respect, I come out on top every time.  

What I'm Not:
* Highly creative:  I tend to be be right-brained and see many things as black or white.  I need highly creative people to help bring in new ideas and perspectives that I would never have thought of on my own.  One of the pushes recently has been for scientists to team with artists to develop new ideas and technologies.  I agree that this is so necessary as both the standard and the creative have something to bring to the table.
* Quick: I tend to move slowly and steadily.  I need a few movers and shakers to push me forward sometimes.
* Confrontational:  I don't like conflict, pure and simple.  I would rather approach things from an angle that avoids conflict while still getting results.  At the same time, I know there are situations where I have to confront.  In these cases, I prepare myself thoroughly, knowing that I may not be able to reduce conflict, but can lessen it if I confront respectfully and with a good motive.
* Highly organized:  Organization has never been my strong point.  In fact, I tend to be cluttered in my work area.  I've tried many different organization systems and none seem to work well for me.  This doesn't mean I don't get the job done.  It only means that it might take me a bit longer because I'm trying to find all the information or materials.
* Egotistical:  Okay, maybe a little bit since I chose to list it here.

If you asked my friends, family, and reports, they might not completely agree with these lists.  This is just my own view.  And, honestly, whether they are spot on is not the point anyway.  What is important is the honest time of self-reflection involved in the creation of these lists.  That makes the true difference.


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